Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Roof Progress

7th July 2012:  Slow (no) progress for some time due to weather, and being busy.  Managed a little progress on the roof this morning.  I covered the overhang with 5mm ply.  This isn't structural grade, but is fully supported, and only 50mm deep.  5mm used to limit the height difference to the insulated panels.  The height difference now will be only 5mm, so won't cause an issue when it comes to the edpm waterproof membrane.

Pic below shows the covered overhang from above:

The roof covered again and ready for the next rally of rain:

Latest pic of front.  Next steps to fit facias and EPDM roof membrane.  I'll then be waterproof and ready to clad, fit soffits (plus external lights) fit the doors, then just the internals left.  The final stage will also be the decking landscaping around the front....

Facias fitted all around.  Cedar on the front and sides, large UPVC facia on the back.

Close up of the roof corner from above.  See the plastic facia on the back, and Cedar on the sides.

EPDM fitting:

Sunday, December 4, 2011

The Door

The Door.

Braced door with the cedar cladding as the front material.  This will be as seamless as possible into the shed area of the cladding

I am using 7 pieces of tongue and groove with the tongue off the end piece.  A piece of 4X2 timber to but up against the frame and hold the hinges.

The process was stewing through the braces, 10mm into the cedar, then turning over and using the stainless ring shank nails on the from to hold.

I hadn't planned it, but this door is very heavy....

Pics below:

The front of the door, planned to loos seamless into the cladding if possible..

The back of the braced door.  notches cut in, 6" screws to hold together.  Screwed from the back, the nailed from the front.

Recessed door hinges:

Door Ftted:

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Cladding & Sliding Doors

Starting the cladding.  These pics make the cedar look far more Orange for some reason.  It's a nicer natural brown in reality.

I have removed the right hand side of the existing shed, and will be building int he stud work for the door and new cladding.  See belo for picture of the batons to give airspace between the OSB and the cladding

Start of the LHS cladding, going to look good in a day or so I think:

Continuing the LHS Cladding.

Fitting Door Frame and Surround:

I found a set of 2.4m wide aluminium doors on ebay for the grand sum of £50.  Bargain, as must have been a couple of grand + new.  These have a hardwood frame, aluminium inner frame and the two sliding door units.  Pic below of fitted door frames.  Note the vertical facia to cover the inside edge of the 4*2 timber.

The next step was to add a stong beam above the door frame.  This was two 4*2 timbers screwed together and screwed into the timber building frame.  I then added the top cedar door surround to match the sides:

The top area was then covered with a piece of 18mm OSB board:

Now for pics of thr Cedar cladding covering the OSB, again fixed on batons to give airspace between the OSB and cladding:

Finished cladding above the door.  The tops of the cladding are not 100% level, but will be hidden by the cedar soffit boards when fitted to the underside of the overhang:

Latest pic of the front:

Doors now dropped into the frame:

View from the inside........


I am using cedar planks for the soffits, running left to right.  See the pics below of how they are fixed, again with stainless shell ring shank nails:

Same again for below the door:

Front cladding nearly complete apart some some finishing touches, and the decked steps:

With steps added in place of old concrete ramp.......